Commentary by Chris Pressey =========================== This work is distributed under a CC-BY-ND-4.0 license, with the following explicit exception: the ratings may be freely used for any purpose with no limitations. Relational Programming ---------------------- ### Relational Methods in Computer Science * rating: 3 . ### Overview of relational programming * rating: 2 A report on a research program to develop a (point-free) relational programming language. The investigation proceeds at the language design level only - implementation issues are hardly considered. A major concern of the language design is to be able to express operations on non-linear data (e.g. trees) (in contrast to e.g. APL's ability to manipulate linear data, e.g. matrices). [Introduction to relational programming][] is an earlier report on the same research program, but the syntax has evolved between the two points. In particular, given that all functions are relations, function application is a subset of relation application, but the side on which the function is considered to be, has been swapped since the earlier paper. ### Introduction to relational programming * rating: 1 [Overview of relational programming][] is probably a better paper, but this does contain some worked examples of relational programs (for payroll, etc.) ### Relational programming * rating: TODO . ### A Short Skinny on Relations & the Algebra of Programming | Hey There Buddo! * rating: 3 . ### amb - The CHICKEN Scheme wiki * rating: 1 .